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Author | Certified Healing Coach | Dynamic Speaker | Workshop Presenter | Youth Mentor

A renewed mind will open the door to your destiny

God has a purpose for our life. When we desire a new way of thinking, God helps us. We should never allow disappointing events to stop our progress. After going through a divorce, I experienced the amazing healing power of God. My path of healing felt so refreshing. I felt God wanted me to write about healing to help others. Healing after verbal abuse is not too difficult for God. I believe, life is enjoyed by the perspectives we chose to focus on. The purpose of my book is to bring healing to you after suffering loss and disappointment. To feel rain on your face is refreshing. The book title and cover design is chosen to bring light-heartedness. I wanted to help you and others believe that sad face days are over! Because of this - today, my life feels like I am dancing in the rain


My ultimate desire is to help you embrace your strength. I want you to be restored after experiencing so many disappointing events. I want you to understand you must continue to fulfill your purpose despite set-backs. I have had the pleasure of mentoring youth in Kingston, Jamaica and enjoyed every minute of seeing their lives transformed by the power of God. I now obey God's calling on my life to assist wounded hearts in healing. I have a gift by God to speak life into others who feel they cannot continue. I take delight in being a Certified Healing Coach which compels me to help rewrite the script for their life. A failed relationship does not mean we are failures. Instead, I believe we must "learn to press reset or delete and keep living". I conduct workshops designed to transform lives and perspectives. I encourage you to attend a workshop so that you can learn to drop the old baggage of your past and press towards a new and dynamic future. I challenge you to claim your new designer luggage, luggage that's filled with God's truth for your future. Are you ready? Do you want to enjoy the "first class" life you were destined to have?  Then let me guide you to God's light - He's waiting for you to soar.

© 2014-2015 by FELICIA JAMISON.

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